Marketing Secret #4 The Three Things On Your Client/Customer/Patient’s Mind

As a businessperson providing goods and services, there are only three reasons for clients/customers/patients to do business with you:

  1. To help identify or clarify their need for your product or service (so they’ll buy);
  2. To become more knowledgeable about your offering (so they’ll be clients/customers/patients who return again);
  3. To feel inspired by your service (so they’ll refer others to you).

That’s it.  Period.

Everything you do and say, everything clients/customers/patients see, perceive, and read about, should be focused on one or more of these things.

Why?  Because there’s nothing else you want from clients/customers/patients.


Do you care if your clients/customers/patients are impressed with you?

Do you care if they think your Lexus is a nice car?

Do you care if they like your picture in an ad?

If you do, I’ve got bad news, because you’re concerned with the wrong things! Impressions and cars and attractive photographs are non-incoming producing concerns.

So, let’s try again.

Does Sports Illustrated or House Beautiful on your office coffee table help you further any of the three points above?

Does revealing your latest sales award accomplish any of this?

Do not pads with your name imprinted lend themselves to your goals?

I’m afraid not.  These things only interfere with your focus on the game.  They make you lose sight of what you’re trying to win.  As harsh as this sounds, there are only three good pitches: sales, return on investment, and referrals or recommendations.

Don’t strike out swinging at the wrong balls!!

You want people to seek you out for the product or service you offer … both now and in the future.

And you want them to refer others to you freely and continuously.

That’s it!

Marketing guru Dan Kennedy often speaks of the Disney philosophy.  It’s one that’s hammered into every Disney employee’s brain: the only thing that should be on guest’s minds when they leave Disneyland or Disney World is that

You’ve Done What You Do So Well That People Can’t Resist Telling Others About You!

Have you ever heard someone talk about a visit to a Disney park?

Of course, because everyone talks about their trip!

They talk about the incredible cleanliness.  They talk about the incredible rides.  They talk about the incredible exhibits; the courtesy; the efficiency of hosts (Employees are “hosts” by the way; visitors are guests.”).

Or in my case, you will hear me talk constantly about meeting my Disney hero … Goofy!  I felt like every other 4 or 5 year old child standing in the line waiting for my cuddle.  How excited was I!!

And, they do this without inducement, solicitation or provocation.  Everyone says how great their vacation was, how you must plan to go to Disney World too.

Now, tell me, is everyone talking about your business like that?  Is everyone so amazed, so filled with satisfaction, that they speak of doing business with you, even when no one asks?

Are you so focused on the three things that are on clients/customers/patients’ minds that everything you do and say furthers your objectives or gets discarded for not contributing to your goals?

You see, if you’re writing, speaking, publishing or promoting, you must keep income-producing concerns in mind.

Why waste time, money and energy on marketing that’s not effective, that doesn’t move you up the road?

Why work on anything that doesn’t lead you to the “top-of-mind consciousness” that Disney enjoys?

You can achieve it.  How?  By analysing everything you do in your business.  Ask yourself each and every time, “Will this action meet any or all of the three things on prospects’ or clients/customers/patients’ minds – so they can respond accordingly?”

Be honest with yourself.  If the action you’re considering moves you forward, do it!  If it doesn’t, forget it. Yes, even if it is what you’re “supposed” to do or say.  Everyone gets caught up in what everyone else in your category of business does and how they promote.  So you too, promote like them.  And they promote like you.  None of it works, but it’s “what everyone else does”.  None of it, in most cases, leads to these three critical elements of success.

Remember; this is your life and your business! Take control of it.  And do only those things that lead you to your goals.

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