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Marketing 101: Five Essential Elements every website should have

Online Zoom

Whether your business is a small professional service, a medium size manufacturing or you sell products, every website needs to have these fundamentals to operate effectively and confidently.

You will learn today:

  • The importance of a website in your marketing blueprint
  • What components are necessary for a website to be successful
  • What type of website is best for your business
  • What do I want my website to achieve
  • What do I need in my website

What you will need is:

  • Your laptop if you have a website so you can assess your current website
  • If you don’t have a website for your business yet, then ideas of what you would like to include in your website
  • Multiple questions!!!! This is how we learn!

Unleash the power of TikTok for business growth and brand positioning

Suburban Business Hub, 16 Aspinall Street, Nundah

In this workshop, you’ll learn how to harness the power of TikTok to elevate your brand presence, create compelling content, and drive tangible business results.

You will learn:

  • the fundamentals of TikTok and its significance for businesses
  • how to create engaging and shareable content that resonates with TikTok users
  • how to measure the success of your TikTok campaigns and optimise them for better results
  • best practices based on case studies of brands that leverage TikTok effectively.

If you’re a business owner, entrepreneur, social media manager, marketing professional, digital marketer or just interested in leveraging TikTok for business growth, this workshop is for you!

Understanding social media metrics to maximise your investment


Like any action in your business, understanding your social media metrics is important for to maximise your investment. In this workshop we will delve deeply into:

1. Key social media metrics and their significance – this covers essential metrics such as reach, engagement, impressions, clicks, conversions and sentiment analysis. It explores what each metric signifies, why its important and how it contributes to overall social media performance.

2. Setting clear objectives and KPI’s – Discuss the important of SMART goals and KPI’s for social media campaigns. Here we explore how different objectives require different metrics to measure success and how to align metrics with broader business goals.

3. Analysing audience insights: Here we explore how to leverage social media metrics to gain valuable insights into your audience demographics, interests, behaviours, and preferences.

4. Measuring ROI and attribution – Dive into strategies for measuring ROI and attributing social media efforts to business outcomes.

5. Optimizing content strategy and campaign performance – Explore how to use social media metrics to inform content strategy and optimise their performance. This includes A/B testing, analysing engagement metrics to identify top-performing content and adjusting tactics based on real-time data to maximise reach and engagement.

By understanding these key areas and mastering the art of social media metrics analysis, businesses can make better informed decisions, optimise their social media investments and drive meaningful results.