Marketing Secret #25


Lets go where no one has ever gone before!!!  

Boy! doesn't that bring back memories (well, if you grew up in the 70s, 80s or 90s - of the previous century).

Let's talk marketing!!!

Why don't we start with the entire basis for marketing in the first place - what are we trying to accomplish?

If we truly understand what we are trying to accomplish, we have a million times better chance to actually get what we want. When you think about it, there can be several different options on what the desired result of any marketing can be.
They can be things like:

  1. Selling a product or service
  2. Making appointments
  3. Having people to come into your place of business
  4. Bringing telephone calls to you
  5. Having prospects take your calls
  6. Enticing prospects to receive a report
  7. Have them attend a seminar etc. 

With this variety of possibilities, comes an array of methods and there are no right or wrong answers

Only right or wrong ways to find the answers.

That's what we're talking about... How to find the most efficient and cost-effective marketing solution that will work for your business.

When people speak with me, I always ask for your 3 burning questions.  Why? Because your questions will determine what is at the forefront of your mind. Now here is the secret, so listen carefully - just because its at the forefront of your mind, doesn't mean that is the right direction for you.  

When I ask these questions what you're really saying is "I'm not really sure what is that I am trying to accomplish".  Yes that’s true and that's okay! There is so much information being thrown at you, it's hard to know what is right and what isn't.  You become confused (and I don't blame you) with mistakes and lessons learned along the way. 

Mistakes that cause marketing efforts to be frustrating and unproductive, because we don’t understand the mission.  It’s like being sent out with some bombs on our wings and not being quite sure what we are supposed to do with them.

Should we drop them, or pretend to drop them, or threaten to drop them? Or should we sit on the runway and wait for the enemy to come to us? Or something else?

For most of us we think that we have a mission of selling products and services to generate money!

Right?  We’ve been brainwashed to think our job is of a “Money Generator.”

Unfortunately not.

After all, if selling products or services was so easy, why are so many of us not making anywhere near the income we should be?

Let’s establish one fact that I’ve already talked about quite a bit and one I’ll continue to talk about all the time:


We all make the mistake of thinking that our mission is selling.  Much like the proverb of the fisherman, this mindset is similar to a fisherman thinking that his mission is to eat fish!
His mission is to catch fish first, which will allow him to eat all the fish he wants!

And, your mission is to find clients first, which will allow you to have them buy or sell all the products and services you want!
Make sense?

See, in today’s totally sceptical society, if you go after the “kill” too soon, you will starve!

A fisherman can’t try to eat the fish without catching them first! Could you imagine him trying to eat one that hasn’t even been brought into the boat yet?

And so it is with you!

Which of course, means that you have to follow this sequence of fishing to get them “into the boat”.

  1. Have prospects to respond to some sort of lead generation method(s)
  2. Have the prospects receive FREE reports or other interesting information (refer marketing secret #39)

For Sales/BDM People

  1. Follow up with additional mailings, emails, or phone calls
  2. Interview them and find out what they want to do
  3. Prepare some sort of plan of action, showing them how to get what they want
  4. Present the plan and have them buy from you

For Retail Businesses

  1. Get them to come into your place of business
  2. Show them the benefits of your products or services
  3. Have them buy your products or services

For All

  1. Get referrals without begging or annoying the clients!

Study and memorise this sequence!

When you have new clients like a clock ticking away the hours, and you know what your average dollars per clients are, then you won’t care about one guy or another, because your marketing machine is taking care of you!

For example, let’s say that the average client is worth $2,000 in revenue.
And, if you know that one out of every five clients will blow you off at some point, then you’ll make $8,000 for every five clients you get!  

Now, let’s say you are in sales and close one out of every two prospective clients.
So if you need five ACTUAL clients a month, you need to see at least ten of them a month.

If your marketing machine is rolling along, providing you with your ten responses a month from new people, then you’re home free!

Why? Because you won’t ever be tempted again to try and pressure or “close” anyone.  You’ll simply meet with your ten prospects, listen intently, close your 50% and make your $100k + per year!

You won’t care if this guy or that guy does or doesn’t do anything! You know your numbers.

The same would be true if you have a retail business. 
Here you would run an ad or a promotion. 
Let’s say you get 30 people to respond to your FREE report (marketing secret #39)
Out of those 30 people, let’s say 15 decide to come into your store and do business with you. 
Here once again, you have a predictable way of determining how many people will do business with you. 

You know your numbers.

You know your mission!

Imagine not feeling all that anxiety and stress - Imagine even further the joy in going to your business and doing your job, because it’s predictable and completely void of all that typical selling crap!

If you need help finding your Real Mission, book a 30-minute no-obligation call with one of our team members.

Talk to the Team Today! Talk to the Team Today!

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