Marketing Secret #29

Don’t Apologise Or Make Excuses For Being Truly Excellent At What You Do!

“If the dogs are barking at your heels, you know you’re leading the pack” – Talmud

This is so important!

Meet Ruben Rockstar.  He's a slick kinda dog, who walks to the beat of his own drum.  He can hold his own when he needs to, but also knows how to mix with the rest of the pack.  He's not a follower, unless it suits his needs.

Could this be you?

When you strive to succeed, some people will not like it. When you strive to succeed, some people will talk about you.  When you become successful, some people will criticise and complain about you. When you are successful, some people may decide not to like you anymore.

Some competitors may get upset with you about your advertising. Some competitors may get upset with you about those hard-hitting reports!

These are definite signs that your marketing is working.

Can you handle it?

Can you handle envy, criticism, and competitors who snipe at you?  Will you get cold feet?  Will you apologise for demonstrating precision as well as excellence?  Will you turn tail and run for the hills?

We hope not.

Please take this little reminder as a guide to one of the troubling areas in life:

Unsuccessful and petty people trying to drag down successful, or soon to be successful people.  If you are on the path to success,  get ready, It’s going to happen to you.  Best offence is defence - as soon as you make the decision to handle it, ignore it.  That’s a fact of life I’ve faced and continue to face.  I don’t care what people who have nothing to do with my business think.  I’m interested in what my clients and stakeholders think!

I just wanted to warn you. Being a successful business brings resentment from small-thinking people and you’re bound to run into them now and again.

If you need to discuss your business marketing, book a 30-minute no-obligation call with one of our team members.

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