Marketing Secret #105 -

Now let me tell you about the Marshmallow

One day after one of our meetings, a group of us decided to go for coffee. 

As we were sitting around chatting, one of the newest team members asked the question; "How do you cope when people say NO to you?"

Just as he asked that question, the waitress arrived with our order.  I had just received a cup of hot chocolate with the mandatory marshmallow placed in front of me. 

I looked pensively at the marshmallow, picked it up and then proceeded to ask around the group - "would you like my marshmallow?"

Some of the team, shook their head no, some nodded, but one woman jumped up, grabbed the marshmallow and said "I'll Have It!"

I looked back at the man who asked the question, and said; "Do you think I am offended that some people here didn't want my marshmallow?"

"Of course not" he replied. 

"Well", I said, "this opportunity is a bit like that; some will nod, some will shake their heads and others will jump up and grab it.

It's no different than offering someone a marshmallow".

You see, some will, some won't, so what...they are not saying NO to you, they are saying NO to the opportunity. 

The point is, some will...

The Marshmallow Principle

I have used this example on many occasions to show people that their list will contain some who will, some who won't and you can't tell the difference. 

Your personal database is like a vault stored with gold - the problem is most people don't have a clue that the gold is there and worse - no idea how to mind the gold!  

Your list should become your working document that will continue to grow with new contacts, referrals and lead generation. 

Building a database of potential mers/clients ensures you are continually networking and meeting new people. 

More importantly, the greater the database list, the greater the opportunity to increase your profits, and the greater the sales conversion from prospect to customer. 

The Target is to DOUBLE the size of your List in the First Year.

Now, here are some tools for writing your list: 

  • Creating a contact list is one of the most important steps
  • Don't prejudice anyone.  In every 100 contacts there will be at least a dozen who will want your services
  • Make sure you build your list to at least 100 so that we can start sorting them into the right categories

Over time, your database will increase as will your confidence in communicating your products and services.  

Building your database list creates discipline and focus.  So, stay on track and start building. 

If you need help gaining confidence with your marshmallows, book a 30-minute no-obligation call with one of our team members.

Speak to one of the team today! Speak to one of the team today!

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