Marketing Mistake #1 

Not Marketing At All

You might possess market research, a marketing strategy, diverse advertising methods, and so forth. But, do these components truly deliver results? Let's revisit your marketing efforts. 

How many points of the proven
'Your Marketing Machines' Lead Capturing Checklist' does your stuff hit,
in the scorecard below?

Your Marketing Machines' Lead Capturing Formula

They don't hit too many, do they? Let's chat now.

Book here for a free 30-minute meeting with our Chief Ideas Specialist, Andrea Anderson.

In reality, your marketing likely falls short on all five aspects that encourage people to respond —I'm betting on this without even seeing them!

Even if you extend an offer, but fail to provide a compelling reason for people to take action, your marketing won't yield success. Consider this scenario: if you're a local professional and your ad concludes with a free "consultation" as your offering, there's no clear incentive for individuals to respond.

Why is that?"

Every business person in town is going to offer a consultation. Which is why we believe the free report concept has been so effective over the years.

The information we provide offers a compelling incentive for immediate action. As we discussed earlier, merely asking people to respond doesn't provide them with the urgency to act right away. You're not presenting them with anything that motivates them to take immediate action without delay.

If someone is interested, they will want to take action NOW!

They won't want to postpone because purchasing a computer, a home, a car, and so on is something they are highly motivated to do. If you fail to give them a reason to act right now, particularly with our free reports and valuable information, your marketing won't yield anywhere near the level of responses it could and should.

Everyone requires a compelling incentive to get up and respond rather than remain idle on the couch.

Make sure you give them one!

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If you need help finding your Real Mission, reach out to us at,
or call 0401304662, or book a 30-minute no-obligation call with one of our team members.

Meet the Marketing Machine

Andrea Anderson

Chief Ideas Officer

For me, Business is RELATIONSHIP.

If you are desiring an honest, direct and to-the-point approach to your business marketing, I would love the chance to chat.

Let's Chat Now Let's Chat Now

Success for you and your business
is only one click away.